

    LOVE YOUR FAMILY Do you love your family or do you dislike your family?   The reason is that your family could help you if you have trouble or a problem in your life. You could not solve the problem. But you could rely on your family to solve the problem.   The family will cooperate working with us. If we need something they make it easy to work it they have a sympathetic character with us.   I want to share with you my experience had looking for a family in Indonesia country. First, when I was going to the city, I found the family is not a moral character. They fight every day and aren't happy every day. They fight because they don't cooperate with work building the house, cooking, to shopping. After all, they are different from thinking. That's why their house is not making them happy but having an arrogant character with someone. Next year they will be in separate relationships to go work far away or go to a foreign country. So that happened awful and u


  DRINKING COFFEE MAKES YOU OPEN YOUR MIND AND BE DILIGENT Drinking coffee is a habit of human life before they do an activity in society. So they take the coffee from the restaurant or home. And mix the coffee with sugar and then stir it and they're drinking it. The people want to drink the coffee. It makes them diligent in hard work opening their mind and finding innovation from their minds.   When you were drinking coffee, what did you think about???   I am Holly. I like to drink coffee every day. After I get up at 5 Am. I boiled the water and took the coffee to make. I drink the coffee three times per day. Sometimes my wife doesn't not allow me to drink the coffee. But always ignore that because if I stop drinking it makes me too lazy to work and fall asleep again. After I drink coffee for around 6 minutes, I have a lot of ideas in my mind and learn something new or innovative. I keep working and working again even though I am tired.   Coffee gives us the en


BEST FRIENDS   Do you have many friends in the world? Friendly is to be helpful and hopeful if we have difficulty working, learning, etc. Your friends do a lot of good things for you like, helping you to work something for you and to make enough of what you need something.     Who is to be your friend in your life.?? As your siblings, your wife, your husband, and even your parents, become your friend to have the primary teacher at home. Your home is a special place where you can eat, sleep, and talk with your family. You don't ignore or be arrogant to your siblings, your wife/husband, and your parents, even though they had a difficult or had a problem. If you have something, you can honor them by giving a gift. They will remember your kindness and assist you without requiring a response.   How to make your friends good and helpful.???   We have many friends in the world but they have different characters or habits or different their thinking. Maybe you have a fr


  THE COUPLE'S ROMANCE ENDURES FOR ETERNITY My name is Holly Putra Gea, I am from Nias. I am 26 years old. I finished studying for my bachelor's for 4 years ago. Right now I got married to my wife Lismona one year ago and have a baby girl Jenita Wisely Gea it is by the grace of. God loves us. Before our marriage. I would like to share the story of our online dating experience. I was in Kalimantan. We had many challenges with online dating. Sometimes, gave up loving someone because I was far away from her in Jakarta city. if we only use the phone to communicate it makes us happy and funny. I had been living alone in the church in Kalimantan to serve God and lead the congregation in society. My wife has been to Jakarta to serve God at IHAKA Church and to SMTK Setia Jakarta. So, she loves to serve God anywhere and never gives up on sharing the Gospel and teaching the students. Our relationship with online dating we promise we will get married only 2 years aft


LANGKAH-LANGKAH MENGHAFAL KALIMAT DENGAN CEPAT. Banyak pelajar sulit untuk menghafal kalimat-kalimat dari gurunya ataupun dari dosenya disebabkan kurangnya mempelajari teknik-teknik menghafal dengan cepat. Hal tersebut menjadi kegagalan dalam belajarnya sehingga tidak ingat meteri yang diajarkan dari gurunya tersebut. Menghafal merupakan suatu kebiasaan manusia untuk melatih daya ingatnya setiap hari seperti contoh kebiasaan sehari-hari adalah mengatakan apa yang lihat ataupun di dengar sehingga tidak lupa yang diingatnya. Hal-hal penyebab kurangnya daya ingat dalam menghafal adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, tidak konsisten belajar setiap hari, Kedua, tidak mencatat setiap materi tersebut. Keempat, malas dalam berlatih menghafal. Kelimat, tidak mencari tempat kondusif belajar. Kelima, faktor gangguan lingkungan belajar. Beberapa solusi dalam tekni menghafal kalimat dengan cepat adalah sebagai berikut: 1.     Memiliki notebook di rumah. 2.     Menulis apa yang di dengar. 3.     Mendenga


  THE TIME IS AN OPPORTUNITY FROM GOD.  By: Holly P. Gea. How to use the time every day whatever we are going anywhere. Many people waste their time traveling, shopping, working, marketing, etc. But, they are not spending a lot of time going to church to worship God. However, we release that time from God has given the man and the woman. So, we do good the time to God through prayer, worship, and praise him that God has given as well as we need something. We use the time only for our God. You don’t spend a lot of time worshiping other gods because God will be angry with you.             The time is not coming back again if that has happened to something. If we knew about the people dead in the world maybe it would not come back again to the world. We should compare that time to doing good for our God only we love our God with our heart, soul, and mind. The time is an opportunity to work for God. We could relate to how to use the time every day at home if we get up at 5 clock to pray

Tugas Purchasing

Purchasing adalah seorang pembeli barang-barang perusahaan yang mencukupi kebutuhan consumen setiap hari. Beberapa tugas Purchasing adalah. 1. Mengorder barang sesuai pengajuan perusahaan tersebut. 2. Mengecek barang-barang dari supplier  3. Melakukan negosiasi kepada supplier. 4. Mengoreksi invoice data. 5. Melakukan stockopname setiap perbulan. 6. Menganalisis harga barang kepada supplier. 7. Mencari harga murah yang menguntungkan perusahaan. 8. Menginput invoice.